Business Spotlight: Top House Solar

When I first started The Marketing House in 2020, like any new small business, the first people I shared my exciting new venture with was family and friends. I received a tremendous amount of support that led to where The Marketing House is now and I continue to receive the incredible support of these same people, almost 5 years on. Next up on our Business Spotlight are my beautiful friends (who also happen to be one of my clients) and their business Top House Solar. I recently caught up with Bryan, co-owner of Top House Solar and we spoke about the business and how it came to fruition - trust me when I say, the team at Top House Solar are absolutely smashing goals - and if you still aren’t convinced, then I’d highly recommend checking out their 300+ reviews on Google!

Q: Bryan, tell us a bit about yourself and what you do.

Hi, Bryan Adams here. I'm originally from the USA, moved to Australia in 2008. Now married with 2 young kids, we live on the Gold Coast and own two businesses. 

Q: What inspired you to start your own business?

When I was in college I had a job parking cars. That's really where I began to notice that certain people had somewhat 'nicer' cars than others. i.e. some drove Porsche, BMW, Mercedes, others drove cars a bit more let's say economical. That inspired my research into successful people and how they got that way. I began to read books about business and from them until now I've always wanted to learn more and grow myself. I learned that if I wanted to have time and financial freedom in my life, then business was the only way I was likely going to be able to do it. 

Q: Can you share the story of how your business idea came to fruition?

My search for the right business led me to meeting some incredibly successful people whom I've been in business with for the past 10+ years. I started another business with a partner about 4 years ago in a booming industry. The first had low start up costs and so was very easy to get started, the second required a fairly significant upfront capital investment and serious due diligence on the bank's behalf to entrust us with the funds we needed to get started. 

Q: What were some of the biggest challenges you faced when starting out and how did you overcome them?

I believe having the right mindset is always one of the biggest challenges when going into business for yourself. I believe in the mantra, 'begin with the end in mind'. So taking the time to formulate an ideal outcome or a target that we're aiming for certainly helps to give clarity in the present.

When we know what we want to achieve in 3-10 years, we know what needs to happen today, tomorrow, next week, etc so we're constantly in pursuit of that end picture. Then there are certainly challenges and obstacles along the way, but when we're focused on that desired outcome down the track they're much easier to deal with as they come up because it's simply part of the pursuit of that end goal. 

Q: What has been the most rewarding part of being a business owner for you?

More control of my time. I love having the opportunity to attend our kids functions at school mid-week anytime because I control my schedule. 

Q: Have you had any mentors or role models who have influenced your entrepreneurial journey?

Absolutely. I've read stacks of books and listened to loads of talks / podcasts from incredibly successful people who have the lifestyle we're striving to achieve. There are certainly a few key people who have also invested their time and energy into our success, which we are very grateful for.  

Q: How do you balance your work life and personal life as a business owner?

Haha great question! My wife and I are in business together so we are constantly reviewing our home and work schedules and discussing what needs to happen when, what we need from each other regarding the kids, etc. So throughout the week our personal life and business life are very much inter-mixed. Weekends though, Sundays especially are for quality family time. 

Q: What advice would you give to other people looking to start their own business?

Read books and listen to talks from people who have achieved what you want to achieve in your life. Take advice from those people, do not take advice from those who do not have what you want. Great books are the Magic of Thinking Big, Personality Plus, the E-Myth, Rejection Proof, the list goes on... 

Q: What is something you’d try if you had infinite resources/time?

I would love to learn more about our universe. I find space and the idea of what may exist in other galaxies fascinating. 

Q: What is next for you?

My wife and I are focused on setting up the life of our dreams, and we're crystal clear on what we need to do to achieve the outcome we desire. Now it's just a matter of time and work! 

Thank you so much Bryan for sharing your story with us - you are an inspiration and we love the work you are doing with Top House Solar. If you are looking for an amazing Solar provider, I would not hesitate to recommend you to Bryan and the team at Top House Solar. Find out more about Top House Solar here or contact them directly on 1300 867 468.


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